"Without further adventure.. dusky chambers. Then, however...there was the freshness of the passing year on its exterior, and the cheerfulness, gleaming forth from the sunny windows, of a human habitation, into which death had never entered."
"then however" indicates the strong comparison between what now is the building, how it would be considered, old, passed, like the puritan mentality BUT in that time it was an important one, as the main way of thinking was the puritan one.
SUNNY is an adjective positioned in a strange context. Puritans have always been described by H. as close minded people, linked to the uglyness, cold, dark, extremely ortodox.
Then why this very building had "a very cheery aspect" "It was further decorated ...for the admiration of after times."
we understand that this building is different, maybe like the person who lives inside that?
For instance, this character could be different from the other puritans because it will give a chance to Hester to keep her child and the building is just a symbol of its diversity- contrast with the puritan? (example: puritans- dark colors, building-colorful)
Have you changed you view of the governor?
ReplyDeletemaybe! I don't understand, H. seems to contaddict himself!