chapter 22:
"Pearl immediately twined it around her neck and waist with such happy skill, that, once seen there, it became a part of her, and it was difficult to imagine her without it."
the golden thread is something that will link Pearl to Hester? The embellishment of the A is gold.
as P. always said that wanted to have the A on her bosom, now that the secret is revealed, and the A, let's say, disappears, the gold is what remains. And that gold is Hester's work, her strenght, not the society's judgment. Pearl will have something that will link her to her mother's determination, as Hester had her link with Arthur in the same way (a symbol).
I wonder why this family can't live happily without any symbols on them...
All families have symbols. Smile. Anything else the gold represents? The light, truth, heaven? You're correct it does represent Hester's work and is the link between them.