8. Lizabeth's story changes Huck’s view of Jim, at least in part.. it makes it just better. Jim moans about his children cause he misses them, and he even talks about stealing them because of his strong love although his trip gives him the chance to think about his family and his previous actions. Jim can’t forgive himself… Jim because he cares of his children and he reflects on what he has done and the effects on his and children’s lives. The slave is sorry and this shows his great humanity. Of course, we can compare his persona with others taht we have found on the book: Pap in first place, is maybe the worst dad.
9. Huck is a Tom Saywer’s friend. He lives with the widow, a woman who takes care of him, although she has a lot of rules: she makes him read the Bible, makes him go to school, doesn’t allow him to smoke. Huck hates this life and wants to run away. Tom Sawyer stops him and accepts him in his “gang”. He sneaks out at night to meet his friends. The friends pretend to steal things and kill people, although they don’t actually commit criminal actions because of Tom Saywer’s imagination and knowledge of action books. The worst “attack” was interrupting a sunday picnic, and Huck does not understand what is going on, since Tom told him that there were Arabs, elephants and diamonds. One day, Huck sees Pap’s footprints in the snow and figures out that Pap has come. Since he owned $ 600 000, money “earned” previously with Tom, decides to give all those dollars to the judge, so that Pap couldn’t get them. Pap asks for Huck to be with him, but in the court the new judge gives Huck to Pap and locks him in the cabin. Even though Huck likes this life without any more rules, he tries to escape because of Pap’s drunk behavior and attempts to kill him. Huck steals some things so that it would have seemed as robbers broke into the house. He used a pig’s blood pretending it was his and throws it into the river as if it really his corp was dragged and thrown into the water. He rushes towards Jackson Island and finds the slave Jim who’s running away too because Miss Watson (the widow’s sister) wants to sell him to the South. Huck plays the first trick on Jim, he puts a dead snake (bad luck) in Jim’s bed and the “nigger” gets bit. They find a death body on the island, and to find out what’s going on on the shore, they go to the floating house of the dead man and find dresses. Huck dresses up and goes to the shore but he fails because he doesn’t know how girls act. He finds out that Pap is more worth than Jim, and this makes us understand that a possible murderer was not considered as bad as a slave, and more useless. Then the couple arrives to the Walter Scott, a boat. There is a real gang and they figure that the criminals are gonna kill one of the members. Huck wants to save them because of his good heart and of the thought that he might end up being one of them someday. He talks to the steamboat guy and after having found out the name of the richest man in the town by chance, he tells him to go up to check the boat because there is this relative of that guy that will pay for everything, but the Walter Scott has sunk by then.
They get lost in the fog for a long night and Huck plays the second trick on Jim: the boy says that Jim was drunk and had dreamed everything, but Jim was truly worried about him.
Soon enough the raft is destroyed by a steamboat and the two arrive in the family. Huck makes friends with Buck and makes up a name. Buck wants to show Huck a snake and they find Jim (connection with Jim and snake). When they come back to the house, everyone is fighting and Huck runs away.
The last personas they meet are the king and duke who are running away and Huck saves them, but not on purpose. They pretend to be dukes and kings but it is not true, and Huck figures that is not important to tell Jim that they’re not real royalties because it would be “no use”. They put on Shakespeare spending time performing, but no one comes to the plays. With a different show, the Nonesuch, people laugh and appreciate it more because people want to have fun but the duke is sad because the couple had worked hard to play Shakespeare.
Then Huck goes to town and there is B, a drunk guy who never hurt anyone, but he gets shot by a colonel. People want to see the body of the dead, and scream and fight to see it. The mob to his house and react the shoot and they want to lynch the guy… the whole situation is a circus! Then he went to a real circus and he gets fooled but he thinks that the ringmaster was the one fooled, not understanding that it was part of the plan. Arrived on the shore again, the “gang” finds out that a rich man has dead. After having found out more details, they pretend to be the two English brothers of the dead man, Peter Wilks to get his inheritance. They give the money to the sisters of the man, but when a doctor claims them to be impostors, the eldest sister, Mary Jean, decides to give all the money to the two partners. Huck steals the money from them because he figures he can’t do something bad to these young ladies. He hides in the closet and listens to their conversation: the king and the duke will store the money in the straw under the bed (place in which Huck had decided to hide at first) but they’re worried that one of the slaves might steal it. Huck gets the money and hides it in the coffin of P.W., decided to write a letter to Mary Jean telling her where the money was. While downtown, the two “real” brothers come, and they want the money. They blame the king and the duke to be frauds, and a lawyer tries to figure out who’s telling the truth. They go to an inn and talk. After some questions, the British people ask about a tattoo on the dead’s body, questioning the king and the duke about it. They make up a story, saying that there was a little blue arrow, while the “brothers” say that there were three letters but the two folks who buried PW say that there were no tattoos. To decide who is right, they decide to get Peter out of the grave, but Huck had put money there! When everyone gathers there around (with shovels but not lanterns because they were just interested to the gruesome stuff) they find the money, and in the messed crowd Huck has the chance to run to Jim who was so worried for him. When they’re on the boat, after having floated a bit, the duke and the king go aboard and try to kill each other because they suspected of each other of having stolen the money.
Okay - thanks for posting!